Conference "Beer Stories: Continuation? Or unfulfilled expectations?"
April 15 | Tuesday
11.00 – 14.00
Conference Hall A, Pavilion 1
Russian people's love for beer and natural fermented beverages began a long time ago. Beer is one of the oldest drinks, respected and loved along with honey and kvass.

The modern Russian beer market is large and multifaceted. However, it is very difficult to develop the brewing business in Russia today. There are many reasons for this: high competition, "expensive" money, a general decline in the purchasing power of the population, and the constantly changing and more complicated conditions of state regulation.

The conference "Beer Stories: Continuation? Or unfulfilled expectations?" for brewery managers, brewers, as well as professionals working in the field of brewing products, cider, poiré and mead production.
  • Who the conference is for
    The conference is designed for specialists in the field of beer production: owners of breweries and plants producing low-alcohol fermented beverages, chief engineers, technologists, quality and purchasing specialists, as well as all those interested in beer, beer drinks, cider, poiret and mead.
  • Invited participants
    The event will bring together market participants, experts and representatives of public authorities.
    Representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, Chairman of the Technical Committee "Brewery products and non-alcoholic beverages" are invited to participate.
  • Topics and issues
    The year 2024 brought a number of unexpected surprises - excise taxes increased by 15%, kvass became an excisable commodity, the subjects of the Federation received additional rights to prohibit the sale of beer at retail.
    The conference will focus on the issues of strengthening state regulation and introduction of new mandatory requirements; excise tax growth; new measures to combat counterfeiting; the authorization for Internet beer trading that has not yet taken place; the entry into force of Technical Regulation 047.
Conference moderator
  • Olga Averyanova
    Member of the Board of Directors of Moscow Breweries, Head of the Expert Council of the Commission of the All-Russian Public Organization OPORA RUSSIA
Conference Program
The program is in the approval stage
11:00 – 11:15
11:00 – 11:15
Aboutopening of the conference. Welcoming speech of the organizers
Olga Averyanova, member of the Board of Directors of Moscow Brewery Company, Head of the Expert Council of the Commission of the All-Russian Public Organization "OPORA RUSSIA".
11:15 – 11:40
11:15 – 11:40
On the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "On the Safety of Alcoholic Beverages". Status of approval of changes. Entry into force of TR 047.
Alexander Korobutov, Deputy Director of the Department of Customs Policy and Alcohol Market Regulation of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, was invited
11:40 – 12:05
11:40 – 12:05
Brewers Register: results of its introduction, statistics, procedure of off-site conformity assessment
A representative of Rosalkogoltabakkontrol (RATK) was invited
12:05 – 12:30
12:05 – 12:30
Technical regulation in the brewing industry. What is the difference between beer and beer-based beverages: a look from inside the Law and NAPs or who and how reads the norms of the Law
Konstantin Kobelev, Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic Beverages and Wine Industry - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center of Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov" RAS. V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems" RAS
12:30 – 12:55
12:30 – 12:55
On the status of GOST development for beer
Alla Danilovtseva, Deputy Director General for Scientific Work, Rosspirtprom JSC, Chairperson of Technical Committee TC 175 "Brewery Products and Non-Alcoholic Beverages".
12:55– 13:20
12:55– 13:20
How regions are faring after the expansion of authority to set sales limits
Dmitry Tarasevich, Managing Partner of Tarkos Brewery
13:20– 13:40
13:20– 13:40
Topical issues of regulation of production and turnover of brewing products and low-alcohol fermented beverages?
Daniil Briman, Chairman of the Council of the Union of Russian Brewers
13:40– 14:00
13:40– 14:00
How the increase in customs duties on beer has affected the market
Elena Tyukina, Knightberg Production Director
14:00– 14:10
14:00– 14:10
Conference co-organizer and
strategic partner of the exhibition for beer, cider and poiret
  • Moscow Brewery Company
    Moscow Brewing Company entered the Russian beverage market with its own products in September 2008. The company includes a modern brewery, as well as its own distribution and logistics centers located seven kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road (Mytishchi) in an ecologically clean area. The company offers the market a wide range of beer and soft drinks of its own and licensed production.
    More information on the official website.
  • OPORA RUSSIA All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
    The activities of OPORA RUSSIA are aimed at solving acute topical issues from a wide range of spheres that Russian entrepreneurs face in their daily business practice: legal protection, attracting financing, obtaining state support, establishing business contacts within the entrepreneurial community, and many others.
    A full list of activities on the official website.